How to get New Ideas?

An IDEA can change your Life! But how to think of a million dollar Idea. Well you need some inputs to think of A good and smart idea. Before you think of an Idea first understand the basics.

What is an IDEA ?
An idea is nothing more nor less than a new combination of old elements.

How do you combine old elements into new?
The capacity to bring old elements into new combinations depends largely on the ability to see relationships.

INSPIRATION: Reading about Successful Entrepreneurs and their case studies inspire you to take inputs and turn it into an Idea.

PASSION: Look at the things around you that interests you most at all times. Think of an Idea in those passionate areas.

BY OBSERVING: If you are in the plan to start a business you start looking at the world differently. Keen observation of successful businesses will provide you lot’s of pointers to think of great ideas.

NEED: Most successful ideas come from one’s own NEED’s. List out all the day to day needs of your life and generate an Idea from those Needs & Problem’s.

RANDOM INPUT: When you want some additional ideas in a certain area or just when your thinking gets stuck totally use random inputs for example Magazines. Go to a newsagent and buy a magazine that you would not normally ever think about buying. The ones which you get the worst reaction to are probably the best ones to buy because you are much less likely to have read one of them before. Watch out for the ones on the top shelf though!

QUOTE BY STEVE JOBS – “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

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